BURZMA – a cousine and venue place located on the 4th floor of s/c Galerija Centrs opened its doors to visitors with a grand opening event. BURZMA comprises more than 10 authentic and modern cafes, restaurants and bars, offering visitors a uniform interior design and hospitality concept.

BURZMA interior concept and branding are developed by Kirson Design Group in a unique cooperation between leading bar and restaurant consultants, hospitality experts and designers. This project is implemented by the real estate fund Baltic Horizon Fund, while the unique concept is developed and managed by the real estate management and consulting company CBRE Baltics.

Full news articles:

EN: Galerija Centrs with the grand event opened the cousine and venue place – BURZMA

LV: Galerija Centrs atklāta garšu un notikumu telpa BURZMA